

A quality irrigation system installation translates into minimal maintenance and future savings to your landscape or turf investment, but invariably, short-term savings result in the opposite.

Our irrigation system installations are overseen by our qualified designers or project managers and done according to the LIA and SABI Code of Standards as well as manufacturers’ specifications. We have many years of experience and installation resources nationally, ensuring that we will achieve the requirements set by our clients.

Solutions built for:

Spesialist solutions in


The TMI group offers a comprehensive range of irrigation and water management solutions to help you maintain healthy golfing surfaces. We have specialized rotor systems for every surface type helping us build your watering system with your unique needs in mind, not just saving you money but time spent managing your courses.


Our consultancy team (design and project management) understand the complexity of a golf course irrigation system and bring 21+ years of experience to the table to help you build a system that takes into account the size, nature and different sections of your course to keep all your greens green and lush.



Because of their sheer size, golf courses are natural water guzzlers, that’s why we build our systems with efficiency in mind. We help clients with water management, using the latest technologies like soil probes, water sensors and remote management software to make sure your watering schedule is based around the needs of your plants, not only saving you water and money but ensuring the health of your golf course ecosystem as well.


You can rely on TMI Irrigation solutions for timely repairs and maintenance of your system to make sure it works optimally at all times. We have a strong after-sales support system with technical support and training programs to bring your greenkeepers up to speed with your irrigation system to empower them to best utilize the resources at their disposal.


For over 21 years the TMI group has been a leader in bringing commercial irrigation projects to life for private and public sector clients. 

Our commitment to sustainability and quality is strong, with the emphasis of our projects being water responsibility and energy efficiency to get your project the most for every rand while helping you do your part for environmental responsibility.


Our technicians bring you turnkey solutions, helping you with your commercial irrigation projects from planning to design and development, project management and finally periodic audits. 

We also have a great after-sales support program that helps ensure that your irrigation keeps working optimally, with repairs and maintenance as well as training to ensure your system is run optimally internally.


TMI leverage the latest technologies to help you manage your irrigation with limited input on your part. Technologies such as WiFi controlled irrigation controllers, soil probes, flow meters and ET based weather control will allow you to make sure your crop are getting enough moisture, without the need for constant input from you. 

We have an additional range of products for your landscape such as lighting, pumps and, aerators that we combine with your irrigation to bring you the best landscapes for your commercial properties.


Solutions built for:


TMI does repairs and maintenance for home sprinklers and drip irrigation applicators to keep your gardens, lawns and all your landscapes well-watered. TMI applies its expertise to advise on and suggest the most efficient irrigation for every application. 

We partner with Hunter Industries for quality irrigation supplies and guaranteed results we put comprehensive warranties on.


We offer a range of technologies including soil probes, rain sensors and WiFi irrigation controllers that enable you to make sure you use only the amount of water necessary to keep your plants well-watered without a lot of manual input from you. This will not only save you time, water and energy but also ensure the optimal health of your plants and the ecosystem. Summer or winter, rain or shine, we will have your gardens looking their best. 

We help our clients take their water savings further with our rainwater harvesting solutions. Whatever your irrigation needs are for your home, TMI has the answers.

Solutions built for:


TMI has a range of Hunter Irrigation products ideal for the irrigation of sports surfaces. We are not only experts in the installation of these industry-leading irrigation technologies but our team of experts ensure the optimal set-up for the watering needs of your starting surface. 

We bring our 21+ years of experience in the field of irrigation and advise you from the planning stage on establishing an optimal irrigation set-up, one which is not only affordable to set up but one that will make maintaining your sport field a breeze. 


We have a variety of solutions for property and cover turf needs for a wide range of sports disciplines including football, rugby, golf, tennis, hockey, and multipurpose astro turf. 

We are also available for maintenance, repairs and auditing of your sport field’s irrigation system and with our AstroTurf installation services, we ensure that these 2 essential components of your sport field are in synch. 


Because irrigation is essential to healthy turf, not only helping it grow but allowing it to recover from the strain of repeated use, we leverage technologies to help you automate your irrigation system management, ensuring that your turf consistently has the right amount of moisture without the need for constant input from you. 

We understand our client’s concerns on the environmental impacts of turf, but our expert turf technicians combine technical know-how, best in class products and industry-leading standards to give you an end product that is not only sustainable but that stands the test of time.

Solutions built for: